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This gentle combination of Valerian and Feverfew is based on several studies showing these two herbs to be extremely effective in preventing and treating Migraine. Valerion is also well-known for its non-addictive sedating and tranquilising actions and is also highly recommended in cases of restlessness, sleeplessness, menopause and premenstrual syndrome.



Passion flower assists in calming the body's neuro-receptors. Complimentary herbs include Hops and Valerian.



Helpful against Hyperactivity.. A mild sedative combination of Skullcap and Sceletium, Valerian and Chamomile.



Relaxing herb that combats flatulent nervous dyspepsia. Combats gastritis, diarrhoea and travel sickness. May alleviate mild anxiety and headaches.

Calms hyperactive children. Assist with insomnia.

Anti-inflammatory properties may help alleviate rheumatism and arthritis and painful swellings.

May help for menstrual pains and inflammation of the testicles.

Carminative, eases indigestion and gastritis and reduces flatulence and dyspeptic pain.



General tonic.  Stimulates nervous and immune system.  Increases general stamina and strength.  May be useful for conditions such as hypertension, hypotention and neurosis. May act as an aphrodisiac.  Beneficial in the treatment of irregular hormonal secretion.  Protects against the effects of radiation exposure.  May lower blood sugar.  May be beneficial in treating irritability, insomnia and mild depression.

Warning:  Do not use in conjunction with anti-depressants or stimulants including caffeine.  May interfere with cardiac medication.

Green tea


Immune booster.  May ease chronic cough and cold.  May reduce blood cholesterol levels.  Acts as general tonic.  Useful in treatment of stomach ulcers.  Assist the digestive system.  Nerve tonic.  Eases of asthma attach.  Protection against cell degeneration.  Protects the liver and helps in managing diabetes.  Powerful anti-oxidant.  Assist for radiant, firm skin.  Can assist in weight management.

Warning:  May interfere with blood thinning medication.



A calming and sedative herb to the cental nervous system.

Combats insomnia and irritable bowel syndrome.

Eases tension and anxiety.

Increases appetite and improves digestion.

Also used for menstrual and menopausal problems.

Warning: Do not use when on depression medication. Some people may have skin allergy reactions to hops.



Assists the body against restlessness, insomnia and intestinal complaints. 

Also shows anti-bacterial properties.

Lemon balm


Active against bacteria, fungi and viruses (including herpes).

Relaxation and stress relief.

Eases spasm in the digestive tract.

Warning: Avoid when on thyroid medication because it inhibits the absorption of thyroid medication.



For stress and nervous exhaustion.

May be helpful for recurring cold and flu.

Lowers cholesterol.

Combats arthritic joint inflammation and high uric acid levels. 

May also assist with an under active thyroid.

Warning: May trigger gluten sensitivity

Passion flower


A mild sedative to treat nervousness, restlessness, intransigent insomnia and nervous gastrointestinal disorders, especially in children.

May be beneficial for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, seizures and hysteria.

For neuralgia and the viral infection of nerves called shingles.

Supportive herb during withdrawal from addiction to narcotic drugs. 

May improve blood circulation and benefit high blood pressure.

May be used for asthma associated with spasmodic activity and tension.

Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.

              May take several weeks to achieve optimal effect and do not exceed more than 1 to 4ml twice dayly.

              Do not use when using anticoagulant medicine.