Digestive & Gastro

Digestive & Gastro

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Combats Diarrhoea and constipation, abdominal pain and cramps, nausea and vomiting. Flattens bloating and flatulence. The clinically proven natural medicine for all symptoms of dyspepsia and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Aid against Dyspepsia like Epigastric pain, heartburn / acid reflux and bloating and belching. It also alleviates infantile Colic. Best taken before meals, in a small quantity of warm water. A powerful combination of Candytuft, Lemon balm, Angelica, Peppermint, Chamomile, Fennel, Liquorice root and Tetterwart.

Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.



High in Vitamin K. Rich source of Vitamin A and C. Contains various minerals. Helps lower cholesterol concentration in the bloodstream because of high levels of manganese. 

Warning: Massive amounts of Alfalfa in the diet could result in symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or in reversible pancytopenia.

              Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.

Aloe vera


Contains 12 minerals and 18 vitamins as well as amino acids apart from the complex polysaccharides (glucomannans) also referred to as proteien sugars.

Warning: Avoid prolonged use because it may cause acidity in the body especially O-Blood types. Do not overdose due to the laxative effects of Aloe vera. Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.



Anorexia, migraine sickness, gastric ulcers, indigestion, bronchitis, pleurisy and cystitis. Specially helpful in cases of stomach cramps and flatulence.

Helpful for PMS and anti-spasmodic for women.

Warning: Use of large amounts may cause skin irritations and allergic reactions



Helpful against gallstones, jaundice, liver congestion, malaria. Support to cancer chemotherapy.

Mild laxative effect. May assist liver function and promote the flow of bile. Combats gastritis and ulcerative stomatitis. 

Berberine content is especially helpful against inflammation.



Support for indigestion and flatulence, loss of appetite and helpful against internal parasites. Also a good diuretic.

Largely used in India against cough and upper respiratory infections

Warning: Estragole is carcinogenic at higher doses, and should not be taken over long periods of time. Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation. Avoid giving to young children.

Black walnut


Helpful against skin problems. Contains linoleic acid, an important dietary component. Antimicrobial actions against worms and parasites.

May be helpful in cases of acne, eczema, inflammation, sunburn, itchy scalp, gastrointestinal ailments and diarrhoea.

Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation.



Supports the thyroid gland. Alleviates rheumatism. Mineral supplement. Has a high iodene content. Lowers bloodsugar and cholesterol.

ward off bacteria and viruses. Helps body to absorb more minerals.

Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation.



Relieves urinary tract infections and prostate problems. Gives symptomatic relief of rheumatism. Helps reduce high blood pressure by reducing  water retention. A strong diuretic.

Warning: Buchu may deplete potassium levels. Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.



Rich in Vitamin C and B-Vitamins. It relieves constipation, headaches and fever and sinus congestion.

Assists in the production of mucous which protects the stomach lining. Actively works to heal stomach ulcers. Increases blood flow throughout the body.

May alleviate high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, restless leg syndrome and varicose veins.

Promotes healthy peristaltic activity in the intestines.



Alleviates indigestion, stomach cramps, intestinal spasms, nausea, flatulence, diarrhoea.

Lowers blood cholesterol and blood triglyceride levels.

It's anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic and has got anti-clotting properties.

Fights candida albicans and Helicobacter pylori.

Also tested to inhibit the growth of cultured tumor cells.

May be useful for type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance.

In short, it is a very strong antioxidant.



Rich source of calsium and magnesium. Excellent for liver cleanse and detox.

Mild laxative and diuretic. Roots are harvested, dried and roasted as a coffee substitute.

May be used for gallbladder ailments and rheumatic complaints.