27 Different herbs combined with Ginseng to help increase more oxygen to the body. Bitter tonic togrther with Sweden Bitters.
Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.
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27 Different herbs combined with Ginseng to help increase more oxygen to the body. Bitter tonic togrther with Sweden Bitters.
Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.
Black cohosh has an oestrogen-like action, suppressing the activity of the luteinizing hormone: Controlled studies have indicated efficasy in the treatment of menopausal symptoms in women, Skullcap balances chemical reactions in the body via the hypothalamus. Jasmine calms the human body and forms extra oestrogen . Supportive herbs inckude Dandelion and sceletium
Help fights cold, flu and infections.
Alleviates larynchitis, tonsillitus, catarrh and sinusitus.
For cough, headaches, stomach aches and swollen glands.
Purifies blood. may boost white blood cell production.
High source of iron, copper and cobalt.
May improve digestion, regulates colonic bacteria and fights bacterial microbial infections.
Warning: May trigger Asthma attacts if used in large quantities.
Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation.
This herb is known for its mind-restoring abilities, provides mental energy, improves brain health and circulation and oxygen to the brain. May also alleviate memory-loss. May be helpful for Parkinson's Disease and Alzheimer's. May help to lower high blood-pressure and may assist in alleviating artero-sclerosis and diabetes in the elderly. May be used for asthmatic disorders. Anti-inflammatory and helpful in auto-immune ailments. May assist severe tinitis, extreme vertigo and irregular heartbeat.
Warning: Do not use in conjunction with anti-coagulant drugs.
General tonic. Stimulates nervous and immune system. Increases general stamina and strength. May be useful for conditions such as hypertension, hypotention and neurosis. May act as an aphrodisiac. Beneficial in the treatment of irregular hormonal secretion. Protects against the effects of radiation exposure. May lower blood sugar. May be beneficial in treating irritability, insomnia and mild depression.
Warning: Do not use in conjunction with anti-depressants or stimulants including caffeine. May interfere with cardiac medication.
For stress and nervous exhaustion.
May be helpful for recurring cold and flu.
Lowers cholesterol.
Combats arthritic joint inflammation and high uric acid levels.
May also assist with an under active thyroid.
Warning: May trigger gluten sensitivity
Fights fungal infections like candida.
Alleviate symptoms of rheumatism, bronchitis, gastritis, ulcers and liver ailments.
Strengthens the immune system especially during chronic fatigue syndrome, fybromyalgia, cancer and tumors, HIV and anti-biotic use.
Warning: Do not use during pregnancy or lactation.
High doses may cause nose bleeding, sudden nausea and vomiting.
Consult a health practitioner when using blood thinning medication.
Treats stress and mental fatigue.
Boosts energy levels.
Natural anti-depressant.
Also used as an appetite supressant.
Warning: Mild headaches, slight nausea, loose stools, insomnia or a feeling of sedation.
Not to be taken with cardiac medication or anti-depressant drugs.
Antimicrobial properties.
Assist the body in bringing down high bloodsugar.
Gives energy and stamina and helps combat chronic fatigue.
May alleviate cystitis.
Lowers stress, improves focus, boosts libido and elevates mood.
Helps kill worms, combats tuberculosis, rheumatic disorders and gout, muscular pain, menstrual disorders and diabetes.
Helps with cell-regeneration.
Warning: May cause nausea, abdominal bloating and insomnia.
Bronchilator, helps combat asthma and improves lung capacity.
Effective against pain linked to arthritis and stress and alleviates anxiety. Anti-depressant. Assists with autism and regulates seizures. Helps mend broken bones.
Stimulates appetite and helps with weight-loss. Regulate and may prevent diabetes. Combats cell-degeneration.
Beneficial for ADHD / ADD. May help reduce pressure applied on the eyeball providing relief to individuals with glaucoma.
Relief for multiple sclerosis. Many more benefits to list
Warning: Might be addictive.
Vitality. Balances thyroid hormones. Anti-bacterial.
Combats stress and anxiety and diabetes.
May be beneficial against cataracts.
Brings down high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol.
Combats male infertility. Anti-inflammatory.
Warning: Not to be taken with blood thinning medication.
Large doses may cause stomach upset, diarrhoea and vomiting.
Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.