Golden rod is used as a diuretic and urinary antiseptic. Marshmallow root lubricates the mucous membranes and inner layers of the kidneys. Bearberry contains Hydroquinone which is active against bacteria and fungi and has an antiseptic and astringent effect on the mucous membranes of the urinary tract. Supportive herbs include Nettle and Agrimony.
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Support for detox.
Warning: Dandelion may cause contact dermatitis when having repeated exposure for longer than 4 (four) weeks. Also a strong diuretic. Milkthistle helps the liver to form new cells.
Use in conjunction with Black walnut 82 and a controlled Gallbladder diet.
Golden seal assists the body with severe inflammation.
Peppermint speeds upcirculation of the bile duct in the Gallbladder.
Myrrh is an astringent antipyretic with strong anti-inflammatory properties.
Supporting herbs are Bearberry and Dandelion.
Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation. Myrrh should not be taken when on medication for heart conditions or diabetes. Consult a Healthcare Practitioner.
Hawthorn strengthens the heartmuscles and aorta and supports circulation. Lilly of the valley is used against mild cardiac insufficiency associated with old age and cor pulmonale. Ginkgo biloba assists the cerebrovascular insufficiency. Supportive herbs include Billberry and Ginseng.
Warning: Avoid taking when on other heart medication. Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.
Used to treat menstrual disorders.
Combats digestive problems like dyspepsia and flatulence.
Used as an expectorant for chronic coughs and to break down catarrh of the upper respiratory tract.
Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial.
Warning: May be tumor inducing when used in large quantities.
Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.
Antiviral properties and boosts immune system. Combats infection, arthritis, allergies, asthma and diabetes.
Effective against ulcers and hemorrhoids and cell-degeneration.
Helps repair DNA.
Helps reduce high blood pressure.
May relieve symptoms of osteoarthritis,
Warning: Might slow blood clotting. Stop taking at least 2 weeks before any surgery.
Contains 12 minerals and 18 vitamins as well as amino acids apart from the complex polysaccharides (glucomannans) also referred to as proteien sugars.
Warning: Avoid prolonged use because it may cause acidity in the body especially O-Blood types. Do not overdose due to the laxative effects of Aloe vera. Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.
Support for hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).
Yarrow, Barberry, Black cohosh, Parsley, Nettle and Valerian balances the thyroid gland.
Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation. Do not use together with other sedatives.
Soothing medicine for cough, peptic ulcers and inflammation of the mucosa of the mouth, stomach and throat.
May alleviate inflamed hemorrhoids.
Use as a gargle to sooth the throat.
Support when having a dry cough and when wheezing. Contains anti-inflammatory and anti-viral herbs including Anise.
Warning: Do not use during pregnancy or lactation. Liquorice root should be avoided when taking hypertension medication.
Passion flower is a mild sedative. Combined with other sedative herbs.
Warning: not to be used during pregnancy or lactation.
This gentle combination of Valerian and Feverfew is based on several studies showing these two herbs to be extremely effective in preventing and treating Migraine. Valerion is also well-known for its non-addictive sedating and tranquilising actions and is also highly recommended in cases of restlessness, sleeplessness, menopause and premenstrual syndrome.
May boost the adrenal glands.
Lubricates the mucous membranes so it assists dysentery, enteritis, gastric catarrh, gastritis, gastrointestinal irritation and mucous colitis.
May neutralize stomach acids and reduce over-activity in the bowel.
Very beneficial so help heal stomach ulcers.
Beneficial for treatment of the respiratory tract including bronchitis, coughs, irritation of the pharynx and sore throat.
May soothe irritation of the urinary tract.
Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.
Support for liver detox, indigestion, dizziness, eczema, toothache, stomach cramps, constipation and poor blood circulation. A powerful combination of 18 different herbs.
Chamomile helps calm nervous point receptors. Feverfew combats pain and sedates pain receptors. Nettle is rich in Vitamins and Minerals that tones skin cells. Nettle is highly effective against childhood eczema.
Warning: Nettle should not be used for more than 30 (thirty) days continuously as it may cause skin irritations and rash.
A combination with anti-inflammatory herbs with pain combatting herbs like Feverfew. Also contains lubricative herbs like Slippery elm and Marshmallow root. One of the top sellers.
Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.
27 Different herbs combined with Ginseng to help increase more oxygen to the body. Bitter tonic togrther with Sweden Bitters.
Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.
Golden rod is used as a diuretic and urinary antiseptic. Marshmallow root lubricates the mucous membranes and inner layers of the kidneys. Bearberry contains Hydroquinone which is active against bacteria and fungi and has an antiseptic and astringent effect on the mucous membranes of the urinary tract. Supportive herbs include Nettle and Agrimony.