Natural antibiotic
Anti - Pathogenic
Copper, Zinc, Silver
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Containing herbs with anti-viral properties and vitamins and minerals. Support for strong and healthy lungs.
Parsley is rich in Vitamins A and C (ranked as powerfull anti-oxidants). Ginseng increases oxygen to the lungs while Echinacea helps fight microbial infections. Dandelion helps to combat inflammation and is a rich source of Magnesium that alleviates allergies.
Warning: Asthma sufferers should take precaution as Echinacea may trigger Asthma attacts. Do not exceed 4 weeks continuous use.
Golden rod is used as a diuretic and urinary antiseptic. Marshmallow root lubricates the mucous membranes and inner layers of the kidneys. Bearberry contains Hydroquinone which is active against bacteria and fungi and has an antiseptic and astringent effect on the mucous membranes of the urinary tract. Supportive herbs include Nettle and Agrimony.
Rich in Vitamin C and B-Vitamins. It relieves constipation, headaches and fever and sinus congestion.
Assists in the production of mucous which protects the stomach lining. Actively works to heal stomach ulcers. Increases blood flow throughout the body.
May alleviate high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, restless leg syndrome and varicose veins.
Promotes healthy peristaltic activity in the intestines.
Excellent for respiratory tract, tuberculosis, bronchitis and extreme coughing, earache and influenza
Beneficial for colic, digestive upsets, nervous tension and insomnia.
May normalize the reproductive organs and infertility in women. Used for progesterone deficiency and acne (especially with pre menstrual flare up).
Men may also use this herb for acne. This herb has pain relieving properties.
May be used for hormonal complaints and imbalances such as Fibrocystic breast disease, menopause, menorrhagia (heavy menstruation), menstrual difficulties (secondary amenorrhea), menstrual pain and premenstrual syndrome.
Useful in treating endometriosis.
Warning: Not to be taken with any drug or product that affects the female hormone system such as HRT or the contraceptive pill.
Not to be taken during pregnancy.
SugarTREAT has been formulated with a multi-faceted approach to stabilising and normalising the body's blood sugar. the primary ingredient, Fenugreek, is well-known for its traditional use in late onset diabetes, high cholesterol and related problems like impotence and low libido. Cancerbush which contains, Pinitol - a well-known antidiabetic agent also aids the liver and general immune system with its strong adaptogenic & tonic effects.
Soothing medicine for cough, peptic ulcers and inflammation of the mucosa of the mouth, stomach and throat.
May alleviate inflamed hemorrhoids.
Use as a gargle to sooth the throat.
Assist the body in cases of low male libido. Skullcap helps balance the entire endocrine system, regulating the hormonal imbalances. Saw palmetto tones and strengthens the male reproductive system and helps boost testosterone levels. Together with horny goats wheat and Chinese foxclove, it is a powerful combination
This gentle combination of Valerian and Feverfew is based on several studies showing these two herbs to be extremely effective in preventing and treating Migraine. Valerion is also well-known for its non-addictive sedating and tranquilising actions and is also highly recommended in cases of restlessness, sleeplessness, menopause and premenstrual syndrome.
Relieves urinary tract infections and prostate problems. Gives symptomatic relief of rheumatism. Helps reduce high blood pressure by reducing water retention. A strong diuretic.
Warning: Buchu may deplete potassium levels. Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.
Helpfull against pain. A powerful combination of Valerian and Feverfew (one of the most famous herbs to combat headaches.
Antiviral properties and boosts immune system. Combats infection, arthritis, allergies, asthma and diabetes.
Effective against ulcers and hemorrhoids and cell-degeneration.
Helps repair DNA.
Helps reduce high blood pressure.
May relieve symptoms of osteoarthritis,
Warning: Might slow blood clotting. Stop taking at least 2 weeks before any surgery.
Red clover helps purify blood, assisting skin cleansing from inside. Especially helpful for children with eczema. Nettle leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals which is a substantial part of a healthy skin. Willow bark is used globally in commercial skincare products. Dandelion is rich in magnesium, which combats skin inflammation.
Warning: not to be used during pregnancy or lactation
Australian cow plant. Assists blood sugar balance. Increases insulin production.
Improves cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reducing heart disease risk.
May aid weight loss.
Helps reduce inflammation due to its tannin and saponin content.
Warning: Not to be used when pregnant or lactating. Do not take with aspirin or St John's wort.
Helpful against cell degeneration, tuberculosis, flu, diabetes and chronic fatigue. It has a calming effect on the central nervous system. It also stimulates the immune system. Has more than 18 (eighteen) secondary metabolites.
Black cohosh has an oestrogen-like action, suppressing the activity of the luteinizing hormone: Controlled studies have indicated efficasy in the treatment of menopausal symptoms in women, Skullcap balances chemical reactions in the body via the hypothalamus. Jasmine calms the human body and forms extra oestrogen . Supportive herbs inckude Dandelion and sceletium
Natural antibiotic
Anti - Pathogenic