Bronchilator, helps combat asthma and improves lung capacity.
Effective against pain linked to arthritis and stress and alleviates anxiety. Anti-depressant. Assists with autism and regulates seizures. Helps mend broken bones.
Stimulates appetite and helps with weight-loss. Regulate and may prevent diabetes. Combats cell-degeneration.
Beneficial for ADHD / ADD. May help reduce pressure applied on the eyeball providing relief to individuals with glaucoma.
Relief for multiple sclerosis. Many more benefits to list
Warning: Might be addictive.
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Relieves urinary tract infections and prostate problems. Gives symptomatic relief of rheumatism. Helps reduce high blood pressure by reducing water retention. A strong diuretic.
Warning: Buchu may deplete potassium levels. Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.
Support for digestive disorders and upsets.
Ginger relieves bloatedness and flatulence while Peppermint alleviates spastic complaints like irritable bowel syndrome and gallbladder and bile duct ailments.
Cancerbush is a bitter tonic that combats indigestion and lowers stress and anxiety.
Marshmallow root lubricates the mucous membranes and linings of the colon while relieving inflammation.
Warning: May interfere with anti-retroviral drugs. Not to be taken by pregnant or nursing mothers. Overdoze may cause a dry mouth and mild diarrhoea and slight dizziness.
A chronic disease of the nervous system because the Myelin sheaths surrounding nerves in the brain and spinal cord are damaged. Symptoms include unsteady gait and shaky movements of the limbs. Ginkgo biloba stimulates cerebral circulation and oxygenation of cells. L-argenine in Green tea sooths the frailed nerves. Turmeric combats inflammation, is an anti-oxidative and lubricates nervous sheets. Alfalfa supports Vitamin K to cells.
Yarrow is a cooling herb with anti-inflammatory properties while Slippery elm lubricates the stomach lining. Anise alkalizes acid. Supportive herbs include Ginger, Parsley and Peppermint.
Yarrow, one of the primary ingredients of StomachSTOP, is a highly effective aid to the digestive system thanks to its mild diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties - combined with the soothing antiemetic effects of Ginger and Slippery elm's protective lining of the intestinal walls. StomachSTOP offers a soothing antimicrobial aid against stomach complaints. StomachSTOP is also highly beneficial in cases of nausea and diarrhoea.
Assist the body in dealing with dissolving of kidney stones, urinary tract infections; Alleviates rheumatism and gout.
Warning: not to be used during pregnancy or lactation
Soothing medicine for cough, peptic ulcers and inflammation of the mucosa of the mouth, stomach and throat.
May alleviate inflamed hemorrhoids.
Use as a gargle to sooth the throat.
Helpful against cell degeneration, tuberculosis, flu, diabetes and chronic fatigue. It has a calming effect on the central nervous system. It also stimulates the immune system. Has more than 18 (eighteen) secondary metabolites.
Eases respiratory infections like coughs and bronchitis, allergic rhinitis and hayfever.
Soothes PMS, increases flow of urination and menstruation.
Assists digestion and calms abdominal cramps.
Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation
27 Different herbs combined with Ginseng to help increase more oxygen to the body. Bitter tonic togrther with Sweden Bitters.
Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.
Assists deep lung and bronchial cleansing.
L-argenine in Green tea calmes the nervous system. Mullein is a well-known expectorant. Indian tobacco acts as a respiratory stimulant and cough treatment. It is also valued in limiting craving for sigarettes. Lobeline in Indian tobacco activates nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (similar to nicotine) that targets the central nervous system. Supportive herbs include, Valerian, St John's wort and Passion flower.
Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation.
Passion flower assists in calming the body's neuro-receptors. Complimentary herbs include Hops and Valerian.
Broad spectrum antibacterial. Treats bronchitis, catarrh, cold and flu and dyspepsia. Even used as a gargle for sore throats.
Anti-fungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory.
Source of copper and amino fatty acids, pantothenic acid, selenium and zinc.
Contains Vitamin B2, B5 and B6.
Acne, skin healing, blisters, insect bites and oily skin.
Diarrhoea, cold, mucous, colitis, vomiting and coughing.
Combats varicose veins and cracked skin.
Ginkgo biloba improves circulation of blood and oxygen to the skin. Sarsaparilla's steriodal saponins are used as starting materials for the synthesis of cortisone and other steroids. Burdock assists in combating various skin compaints while Calendula eases dry skin and eczema. Centella accelerates healing after surgery to prevent the formation of scar tissue.
Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation. Do not use longer than six months continually.
Bronchilator, helps combat asthma and improves lung capacity.
Effective against pain linked to arthritis and stress and alleviates anxiety. Anti-depressant. Assists with autism and regulates seizures. Helps mend broken bones.
Stimulates appetite and helps with weight-loss. Regulate and may prevent diabetes. Combats cell-degeneration.
Beneficial for ADHD / ADD. May help reduce pressure applied on the eyeball providing relief to individuals with glaucoma.
Relief for multiple sclerosis. Many more benefits to list
Warning: Might be addictive.