Reduces PMS and strengthens the longitudinal muscle of the uterus.
Beneficial in the treatment of mouth ulcers and bleeding gums.
Gargle for sore throats.
Warning: Never use during early pregnancy.
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Use in conjunction with Black walnut 82 and a controlled Gallbladder diet.
Golden seal assists the body with severe inflammation.
Peppermint speeds upcirculation of the bile duct in the Gallbladder.
Myrrh is an astringent antipyretic with strong anti-inflammatory properties.
Supporting herbs are Bearberry and Dandelion.
Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation. Myrrh should not be taken when on medication for heart conditions or diabetes. Consult a Healthcare Practitioner.
Golden rod is used as a diuretic and urinary antiseptic. Marshmallow root lubricates the mucous membranes and inner layers of the kidneys. Bearberry contains Hydroquinone which is active against bacteria and fungi and has an antiseptic and astringent effect on the mucous membranes of the urinary tract. Supportive herbs include Nettle and Agrimony.
Most useful relaxing nervines.
For insomnia, PTSD, intestinal colic, insomnia, stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, epilepsy, PMS and cramps of painful periods.
Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation. May cause drowsiness. Do not use in conjunction with other sedatives.
Treats stress and mental fatigue.
Boosts energy levels.
Natural anti-depressant.
Also used as an appetite supressant.
Warning: Mild headaches, slight nausea, loose stools, insomnia or a feeling of sedation.
Not to be taken with cardiac medication or anti-depressant drugs.
Support for cold and flu.
Use with 26 ImmuneBOOST and 18 CoughEASE and FeverCARE
Echinacea is considered a natural antibiotic with anti-viral properties. Italso boosts the Immune System.
Feverfew combats fever and pain while Ginseng increases oxygen to the blood, immune competence and stress resistance.
Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy and lactation. Echinacea may trigger Asthma attacts in Asthma sufferers.
Australian cow plant. Assists blood sugar balance. Increases insulin production.
Improves cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reducing heart disease risk.
May aid weight loss.
Helps reduce inflammation due to its tannin and saponin content.
Warning: Not to be used when pregnant or lactating. Do not take with aspirin or St John's wort.
Combats bronchitis and whooping cough. Stimulates digestion and improves poor appetite.
Increases liver functioning.
Marrubiin may assist in normalizing an irregular heartbeat.
Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.
Vitality. Balances thyroid hormones. Anti-bacterial.
Combats stress and anxiety and diabetes.
May be beneficial against cataracts.
Brings down high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol.
Combats male infertility. Anti-inflammatory.
Warning: Not to be taken with blood thinning medication.
Large doses may cause stomach upset, diarrhoea and vomiting.
Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.
Lemongrass balances gut flora and shows anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Marigold is anti-inflammatory and spasmolitic. It improves digestion and stimulates bile production while seperating Candida colonies. Pau d' Arco assists the body in cases of fungal infestations.
Warning: Do not use longer than three months.
Support for an enlarged prostate gland. Saw palmetto alleviates the symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Several controlled clinical studies have shown significant improvement in the symptoms of prostate adenoma. Complimentary herbs include Broom and African potato.
Excellent and effective remedy for epilepsy
Aids the metabolism and helps ease chronic metabolic disorders. Taken over a long period it may help for diabetes. Improves concentration and normalize hormonal imbalances.
May reduce hardening of the arteries and be helpful with the effects of a stroke.
Reduces heart rate and strengthens the wall of the peripheral capillaries. Balances high and low blood pressure.
Reduces buzzing in the ears. Helpful in uterine and menstrual disorders and menopause.
Assists with cell degeneration repair, particularly lung and ovarian cancer.
Eases anxiety.
Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.
Relaxing herb that combats flatulent nervous dyspepsia. Combats gastritis, diarrhoea and travel sickness. May alleviate mild anxiety and headaches.
Calms hyperactive children. Assist with insomnia.
Anti-inflammatory properties may help alleviate rheumatism and arthritis and painful swellings.
May help for menstrual pains and inflammation of the testicles.
Carminative, eases indigestion and gastritis and reduces flatulence and dyspeptic pain.
Antimicrobial properties.
Assist the body in bringing down high bloodsugar.
Gives energy and stamina and helps combat chronic fatigue.
May alleviate cystitis.
Yarrow, one of the primary ingredients of StomachSTOP, is a highly effective aid to the digestive system thanks to its mild diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties - combined with the soothing antiemetic effects of Ginger and Slippery elm's protective lining of the intestinal walls. StomachSTOP offers a soothing antimicrobial aid against stomach complaints. StomachSTOP is also highly beneficial in cases of nausea and diarrhoea.
Anti-inflammatory. Mainly used as a haemostatic to stop bleeding. Also taken as anti-bacterial remedy to stop diarrhea. It is a bitter tonic, digestive stimulant, mild laxative. May reduce piles. The anti-microbial effects of barberine and hydrastine, explain the main use of golden seal as anti-diarrhea medicine, Is used in eye drops.
Warning: Should not be taken during pregnancy or lactation.
Use to reduce period pains during PMS, osteoarthritis, rheumatism, high temperature, headaches and toothache, migraines.
Replacement of aspirin without the side effects of stomach irritation.
Warning: Long term use may interfere with mineral absorption.
Reduces PMS and strengthens the longitudinal muscle of the uterus.
Beneficial in the treatment of mouth ulcers and bleeding gums.
Gargle for sore throats.
Warning: Never use during early pregnancy.