Eye infections, disorders and irritations.
Combats allergic rhinitis, post nasal drip, middle ear infections, catarrh and sinusitus and hay fever.
Provides increased resistance to cold and flu.
May soothe soar throats
Beneficial in the treatment of over-sensitive eyes, conjunctivitis and blepharitis.
Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation.
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Bronchilator, helps combat asthma and improves lung capacity.
Effective against pain linked to arthritis and stress and alleviates anxiety. Anti-depressant. Assists with autism and regulates seizures. Helps mend broken bones.
Stimulates appetite and helps with weight-loss. Regulate and may prevent diabetes. Combats cell-degeneration.
Beneficial for ADHD / ADD. May help reduce pressure applied on the eyeball providing relief to individuals with glaucoma.
Relief for multiple sclerosis. Many more benefits to list
Warning: Might be addictive.
Chamomile helps calm nervous point receptors. Feverfew combats pain and sedates pain receptors. Nettle is rich in Vitamins and Minerals that tones skin cells. Nettle is highly effective against childhood eczema.
Warning: Nettle should not be used for more than 30 (thirty) days continuously as it may cause skin irritations and rash.
May normalize the reproductive organs and infertility in women. Used for progesterone deficiency and acne (especially with pre menstrual flare up).
Men may also use this herb for acne. This herb has pain relieving properties.
May be used for hormonal complaints and imbalances such as Fibrocystic breast disease, menopause, menorrhagia (heavy menstruation), menstrual difficulties (secondary amenorrhea), menstrual pain and premenstrual syndrome.
Useful in treating endometriosis.
Warning: Not to be taken with any drug or product that affects the female hormone system such as HRT or the contraceptive pill.
Not to be taken during pregnancy.
Your number 1 herb in assisting the lymphatic system.
Reduces swelling in glands, combats inflammation in tonsils, benign tumors and cysts.
Helps treat crystals in the urinary tract and kidney stones.
Detox kidneys, liver, pancreas and spleen.
Diuretic properties, therefor excellent to combat water retention.
Effective against cancer-like skin disorders and cancer of the tongue.
Warning: May cause nausea, stomach aches and vomiting.
Use for two weeks and then skip two weeks again.
Source of copper and amino fatty acids, pantothenic acid, selenium and zinc.
Contains Vitamin B2, B5 and B6.
Supportive therapy for chronic rheumatism, gout and arthritis.
Relieves flatulence. May purify blood.
Useful in the treatment of scaling skin conditions such as psoriasis and scrofula and ringworm.
Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation.
May increase absorption of digitalis glycosides.
Vitality. Balances thyroid hormones. Anti-bacterial.
Combats stress and anxiety and diabetes.
May be beneficial against cataracts.
Brings down high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol.
Combats male infertility. Anti-inflammatory.
Warning: Not to be taken with blood thinning medication.
Large doses may cause stomach upset, diarrhoea and vomiting.
Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.
Anti-inflammatory properties. Used as an emulcent and expectorant. Properties as a mild sedative and anti-depressant. High content of Vitamin E.
Also used as a diuretic.
Source of Vitamin E.
Combats eczema, psoriasis and skin allergies,
Eye disorders and bloody nose, intestinal worms, stomach upset, low appetite.
Heart and blood vessels. Fever, diabetes and gingevitis and liver ailments.
Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy.
Immune booster, diabetis, heart tonic, anaemia, kidney problems, prolapsed organs, slow healing skin eruptions. Improves recovery in cell degeneration patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Basically anti-inflammatory. Helpful against arthritis and fibromyalgia.
Contains 12 minerals and 18 vitamins as well as amino acids apart from the complex polysaccharides (glucomannans) also referred to as proteien sugars.
Warning: Avoid prolonged use because it may cause acidity in the body especially O-Blood types. Do not overdose due to the laxative effects of Aloe vera. Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.
Seeds are mainly used to treat loss of appetite, anorexia and to reduce blood sugar levels in type 1 and 2 diabetes.
Lowers serum cholesterol, triglyside and low density lipoprotein. Soothes disturbed digestion. Combats impotence and period and menopause problems.
Reduces fevers, detoxifies, dispels bad breath and body odor. May alleviate bronchitis.
Stimulates the development of the breasts and increased milk flow.
Warning: Not to be used when pregnant. Please don't use during hypoglycemic treatment.
Immune booster. May ease chronic cough and cold. May reduce blood cholesterol levels. Acts as general tonic. Useful in treatment of stomach ulcers. Assist the digestive system. Nerve tonic. Eases of asthma attach. Protection against cell degeneration. Protects the liver and helps in managing diabetes. Powerful anti-oxidant. Assist for radiant, firm skin. Can assist in weight management.
Warning: May interfere with blood thinning medication.
Support for indigestion and flatulence, loss of appetite and helpful against internal parasites. Also a good diuretic.
Largely used in India against cough and upper respiratory infections
Warning: Estragole is carcinogenic at higher doses, and should not be taken over long periods of time. Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation. Avoid giving to young children.
Bladderwrack restores depleted minerals by helping the body to absorp more minerals. Fenugreek assists in cases of skin inflammations. Burdock is used for eczema, psoriasis, acne, itching and skin infections. Dandelion is rich in Magnesium, a natural anti-inflammatory.
Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation. Dandelion has diuretic effects. Do not exceed continuous use longer than 30 (thirty) days.
Helpful against skin problems. Contains linoleic acid, an important dietary component. Antimicrobial actions against worms and parasites.
May be helpful in cases of acne, eczema, inflammation, sunburn, itchy scalp, gastrointestinal ailments and diarrhoea.
Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation.
Eye infections, disorders and irritations.
Combats allergic rhinitis, post nasal drip, middle ear infections, catarrh and sinusitus and hay fever.
Provides increased resistance to cold and flu.
May soothe soar throats
Beneficial in the treatment of over-sensitive eyes, conjunctivitis and blepharitis.
Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation.