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Angelica alleviates cramps and muscle tension. Jasmine normalises hormonal imbalances. Lavender calms down nervous system pains. Bladderwrack assists with mineral uptake and helps restore hormonal levels. Black cohosh may be beneficial towards premenstrual and menopausal problems.

A blend of 14 (fourteen) different herbs.

Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation. Not to be taken longer than 10 (ten) days at a time. Angelica may provoke photosensitivity reactions. Avoid exposure to strong UV radiation. High dosages may interfere with anticoagulant drugs.



African potato assists the body with prostate hypertrophy. Saw palmetto is used to treat urination problems associated with an enlarged prostate gland and has anti-inflammatory properties. Green tea contains tannins and their phenolic compounds has great diuretic effects. Billberry assists with circulation and has high Vitamin C quantities.

Warning: Buchu and Nettle may cause skin irritation when used in large dosages. Nettle has diuretic effects.



Ginseng improves endurance, oxygen, immune competence and stress resistance and counteracts fatigue.

Sarsaparilla is used in Mexico as a tonic and aphrodisiac. Lavender is a calming herb with lipophilic monoterpenes to interact with biomembranes and modify the activity of ion channels, transporters and receptors.

Skullcap widens blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. Skullcap also balances chemical processes in the body.

Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.



Support for an enlarged prostate gland.  Saw palmetto alleviates the symptoms of an enlarged prostate.  Several controlled clinical studies have shown significant improvement in the symptoms of prostate adenoma.  Complimentary herbs include Broom and African potato.



Assist the body in cases of low male libido.  Skullcap helps balance the entire endocrine system, regulating the hormonal imbalances.  Saw palmetto tones and strengthens the male reproductive system and helps boost testosterone levels. Together with horny goats wheat and Chinese foxclove, it is a powerful combination



Black cohosh has an oestrogen-like action, suppressing the activity of the luteinizing hormone: Controlled studies have indicated efficasy in the treatment of menopausal symptoms in women, Skullcap balances chemical reactions in the body via the hypothalamus. Jasmine calms the human body and forms extra oestrogen . Supportive herbs inckude Dandelion and sceletium



Golden seal combats inflammation. Bearberry is an antiseptic for the mucous membranes and Slippery elm lubricates the mucous membranes. Supportive herbs include Cancerbush, Lungwort and Black cohosh.

Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation. Do not use longer than three weeks continuously.

African potato


Prostate problems and urinary infections. Combats cell degeneration. Assists with prostate hypertrophy.

Sitosterols inhibits the binding of dihydro-testosterone within the prostate.



Anorexia, migraine sickness, gastric ulcers, indigestion, bronchitis, pleurisy and cystitis. Specially helpful in cases of stomach cramps and flatulence.

Helpful for PMS and anti-spasmodic for women.

Warning: Use of large amounts may cause skin irritations and allergic reactions

Black cohosh


Helpful in diarrhoea in children. May be helpful in cases of tinnitus. Excellent aid for PMS and menopause. Combats mucosal inflammation in kidneys and urinary tract. Aid against diabetes, arthritis and gout and poor blood circulation.

Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy and lactation. 



Supports the thyroid gland. Alleviates rheumatism. Mineral supplement. Has a high iodene content. Lowers bloodsugar and cholesterol.

ward off bacteria and viruses. Helps body to absorb more minerals.

Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation.



Relieves urinary tract infections and prostate problems. Gives symptomatic relief of rheumatism. Helps reduce high blood pressure by reducing  water retention. A strong diuretic.

Warning: Buchu may deplete potassium levels. Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.