Heart & Circulatory

Heart & Circulatory

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Support for anxiety, stress and Adrenal gland fatigue. Borago contains unsaturated pyrrolizeidene alcaloids that influence stress reactivity and performance. The main active ingredient, Liquorice rootknown and used for centuries for its powerful adrenal support. Contains other supporting herbs like Europe wormwood and ginseng.

This product is safe to use except in cases where Hypertension medication is administered. Do not use this product for periods longer than 4 (four)



Support for lowering high blood cholesterol.

Active phyto-estrogens, fibre and saponins of Alfalfa is known to lower circulating levels of blood cholesterol.

Garlic has lipid lowering effects because of Allicin and Aljoene that act as platelet aggregation inhibitors.

Combined with Artichoke (Cynara), Ginger, Skullcap, Hawthorn, Ginseng and Cancerbush that stimulates lowering cholesterol in the body.

Warning: Do not use when lactating or breastfeeding. Verify with single herb warnings on this website.



Clinical trials have shown Ginkgo biloba to be effective against circulatory disorders. It has been part of Chinese Medicine for 2800 years and is still widely used to strenghthen the heart and lungs.

Combined with Billberry and Hawthorn, it makes a powerful circulatory tincture.

Warning: Do not use when pregnant or lactating. Do not use in conjunction with anticoagulant drugs or when diabetic.

Swedish bitters


Support for liver detox, indigestion, dizziness, eczema, toothache, stomach cramps, constipation and poor blood circulation. A powerful combination of 18 different herbs.



Mistletoe brings down the heart rate and strenghtens the wall of the peripheral capillaries. Skullcap balances the hypothalamus gland, regulating most of the chemical processes in the body. Valerian, Passion flower and hops relaxes the body from stress. Supportive herbs include cinnamon and honey.



Billberry, Echinacea and Ginseng speeds up circulation and increases oxygen levels in the blood. Peppermint has anti-viral properties while Willow bark and Golden seal are anti-inflammatory. Capsicum frutescens increases Vitamin C levels and B-vitamin levels. Supportive herbs include Mullein, Marshmallow root, Lungwort, Elderberry, Golden rod and Thyme.

Warning: Do not exceed 3(three) weeks continued use. Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.



High in Vitamin K. Rich source of Vitamin A and C. Contains various minerals. Helps lower cholesterol concentration in the bloodstream because of high levels of manganese. 

Warning: Massive amounts of Alfalfa in the diet could result in symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or in reversible pancytopenia.

              Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.



Immune booster, diabetis, heart tonic, anaemia, kidney problems, prolapsed organs, slow healing skin eruptions. Improves recovery in cell degeneration patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Basically anti-inflammatory. Helpful against arthritis and fibromyalgia.



Rich in Vitamin C and B-Vitamins. It relieves constipation, headaches and fever and sinus congestion.

Assists in the production of mucous which protects the stomach lining. Actively works to heal stomach ulcers. Increases blood flow throughout the body.

May alleviate high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, restless leg syndrome and varicose veins.

Promotes healthy peristaltic activity in the intestines.



Alleviates indigestion, stomach cramps, intestinal spasms, nausea, flatulence, diarrhoea.

Lowers blood cholesterol and blood triglyceride levels.

It's anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic and has got anti-clotting properties.

Fights candida albicans and Helicobacter pylori.

Also tested to inhibit the growth of cultured tumor cells.

May be useful for type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance.

In short, it is a very strong antioxidant.



Antimicrobial, acting on bacteria, viruses and parasites of the alimentary tract.

Helps combat chronic bronchitis, recurrent cold and influenza.

Beneficial to combat candida. Reduces serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

used for fungal infections such as ringworm and pinworm.

Warning: Excessive use may form blood clots or promote blood thickening.



Improves digestion and reduces flatulence and colic. Alleviates motion sickness and nausea.  Anti-oxidant and useful for circulatory problems.  Excellent for ulcers and also increases peristalsis and the secretion of bile and gastric juices.  Cholesterol-lowering.  As gargle - helps with sore throat.

Warning:  should not be taken by people with inflammatory skin conditions, ulcers of the digestive tract or high fever.